Monday, March 5, 2012

Bye Bye Carbonite../sad../curse words

I used to use carbonite..I never had a real reason but it made me feel safe. They dropped Rush over his statements of calling Ms. Fluke a slut. Okay maybe that was strong words but I would much rather be called a slut than a C**T..the words that Ms. Palin was called, by the heavy left.

Rush also said that we are going to be pimps... not a good analogy but I understand what he is getting at. Pimps do not pay prostitutes to have sex, Johns do. So his better analogy would have been, we are now the country of "Johns" We pay the young school girl to have sex.

Anyhow, I am upset over this crumby crap in the media and my carb acct is cancelled..I know they won't go bankrupt from my one month at a time purchase...Just as I know Rush will not go bankrupt from the few sponsors who pulled do to MSM or dem hassle....all the vendors lost my support..sometimes I would just visit their website and recommend to friends.. NOT NOW!

We have to pay for recreational activities, why can't they give me 50 bucks a year to go float the river..I am past child bearing years, and my tubes are tied..but by-golly i would love someone to buy me a tube to go float a river!! Not a pill to keep my tubes from working... IF SHE GETS IT FOR FREE..I WANT IT..oh Never mind, I work for a living and I work for my recreations...her parents should be spanked for not teaching her value, respect or the American Dream.

PS- How did all us old fogey woman survive without free contraception??? GO FIGURE!!!! Old ladies like me, and lesbians do not need the free-pay-to-play..what do we get out of this "happy-go-lucky story" higher taxes..thanks but no thanks!!

Agree or disagree..but which ever your side state the reason why..thanks .. I am very curious to hear from all who have read or heard this story!!


  1. Contraceptives are a medication like any other. And lots of women use them for reasons other than to have "lots of sex". In fact, the prescription written for the woman who testified before congress was to control heavy bleeding, etc.
    And what she was asking for was for her insurance company (not the taxpaying public) to be required to cover this prescription like it covers any other prescription her physician deems necessary for her well being.

    1. Alot of things are medication...I can't recall one time I have ever been given a med for free. I was put on "the pill" for heavy blood and my daughter was put on "the pill" for her acne issues....we still paid (yes we got it cheaper from insurance, but never for free).

      I would think "Amoxocillin" should be free before a contraceptive. Most kids will need Amox long before they need a pill.

      Quote- "Contraceptives are a medication like any other." Since when are medications free????

      When my daughter was a baby, I worked 3 jobs so I would not need welfare or child support, one of those jobs was sorting tomatoes and I still managed to buy my pills and she had acne so I managed to buy her pills..... why not give out free internet and computers to those who can not buy them? I mean those two items help with health and well-being for most folks??????

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